Dixie Bloor邻里中心被选为东密西沙加的牵头机构,解决与新冠病毒问题相关的社区成员所面临的障碍。我们的网站,https://dixiebloor.ca/covid-19-hotline/ 密西沙加Dixie Bloor社区中心新冠热线为您提供支持 1. 为任何对COVID-19测试呈阳性的人。我们在这里可以帮助您自我隔离。 2. 如果您从国外回来, 需要自我隔离支持,需要食物,技术,经济援助或健康资源 3. 提供新冠病毒, 新冠疫苗等健康讲座 4. 提供免费口罩和消毒液, 如果您不能负担 5. 提供疫苗注射, 疫苗检测的免费交通, 请联系我们, 电话: (833)-632-6819 分机 787 Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre provides education to our community through outreach activities. This includes providing the community with the culturally appropriate information needed to: •Prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following preventative measures including the distribution of Free Personal Protective Equipment •Combat misinformation and myths circulating about COVID-19 •Access services and supports available to those needing to isolation. PLease call please call 83-ENDCOV19 or (833)-632-6819 3 ~# w- P% b3 _5 Z" I' a" @& [. n7 G( T